This Document represents the general terms and conditions of use of omake.eu, which govern the rules for the use of omake.eu, including the conclusion of a contract of sale with a merchant from this e-shop.2. DATA ON THE PLATFORM ADMINISTRATOR
2.1. ATIKER BULGARIA Ltd. is a company with registered office and address of management PLOVDIV 4000, Anchov Bunar district, Kuklensko Shosse Blvd., Atiker Bulgaria building, with UIC 203592930 and tax number BG 203592930.2.2. Atiker Bulgaria OOD administers the omake e-shop in the form of the omake.eu website.
2.3. You can contact omake at the above address, by phone +359 876 10 93 66. Contact telephones are paid.
3.1. Client - any natural person aged 18 or over, legal entity or other legal entity that meets one or more of the following conditions:3.1.1. gains access to the Content through the means of communication provided by omake (electronically, by telephone, etc.) or under an existing contract for use with omake and which has stated the creation and use of an Account;
3.1.2. after creating your account on the site, places an order and concludes a distance sales contract through the OMAKE e-commerce site with OMAKE or another merchant.
3.2 Seller - OMAKE or any other trader offering goods or services
3.3. Website - the e-shop hosted on the web address omake.eu and its subdomains
3.7. Favorites - a section of the Account that allows the Client to create their own lists of Goods and Services that he wishes to monitor in connection with possible purchases by using the service offered by Omake to track Goods and Services by receiving Commercial Messages from him .
3.8. List - section in the "Favorites" section, in which the Customer can add products of interest
3.9. My cart - a section in the Account that allows the Client to add Goods or Services that he wishes to buy at the time of their addition or at a later stage; in the event that the Goods and Services are not purchased at the time of their addition by completing the Order, the Customer may take advantage of Omake's Tracking of Goods and Services by receiving Trade Messages from Omake.
3.10. Order - an electronic document representing a communication form between Omake and the Customer, through which the Customer declares to the Seller, through the Platform, his desire to purchase Goods
3.11. Product (s) or Service (s) - any product or service located on the Platform, including products and services mentioned in the Order, which are provided by the Seller as a result of a Contract.
3.12. Campaign - any advertisement aimed at promoting omake, the OMAKE brand or certain Goods and / or Services offered in limited availability, unless the commercial message explicitly states otherwise, for a specified period of time specified by the Seller.
3.13. Contract - is a contract concluded at a distance between the Seller and the Customer for the sale of goods
3.14. Contents Metin çevirisi Kaynak metin
• tsyalata informatsiya , koyato e dostŭpna chrez vrŭzka s Internet i izpolzvane na ustroĭstvo, imashto vrŭzka s Internet;
• sŭdŭrzhanieto na vsyako sŭobshtenie ot strana na Klienta kŭm Omake i / ili Prodavacha, izprateno posredstvom elektronni sredstva i/ili vsyakakvi drugi dostŭpni komunikatsionni sredstva;
3.15. Tŭrgovski sŭobshteniya – vseki vid sŭobshtenie, izprateno chrez elektronni komunikatsionni kanali (kato elektronna poshta, SMS, push na mobilno ustroĭstvo / ueb push i t.n.), sŭdŭrzhashto obshta i tematichna informatsiya, informatsiya otnosno podobni ili podkhodyashti produkti kŭm kupuvanite, informatsiya otnosno oferti ili promotsii, informatsiya otnosno Stokite i Uslugite, dobaveni v sektsiyata “Akaunt/ Moyata kolichka” ili v sektsiyata “Akaunt/ Lyubimi”, kakto i drugi tŭrgovski sŭobshteniya kato pazarni i potrebitelski prouchvaniya
3.17. Spetsifikatsii – vsichki kharakteristiki i/ili opisaniya na Stokite i Uslugite, taka kakto sa posocheni v opisanieto im.
3.18. Revyu – pismena otsenka ot strana na pritezhatelya ili polzvatelya na produkt ili usluga, osnovavashta se na lichniya opit i umeniyata na otsenyavashtiya da pravi kachestveni komentari i da izrazi mnenie dali produktŭt ili uslugata otgovarya ili ne na posochenite ot proizvoditelya kharakteristiki.
3.19. Reĭting – metod na izchislyavane na nivoto na zadovolstvo na daden Klient po otnoshenie na opredelen produkt. Reĭtingŭt se izrazyava pod formata na zvezdi, kato vseki produkt mozhe da poluchi otsenka ot edna do pet zvezdi. Tazi stepen na udovletvorenost vinagi shte bŭde pridruzhena s retsenziyata napisana ot Klienta na daden produkt ili usluga.
3.20. Komentar – otsenka ili kritichna zabelezhka na kraya na edno Revyu ili na drug komentar.
3.21. Vŭpros – forma na obrŭshtenie ot Klient kŭm drugi Klienti s tsel da se poluchi informatsiya otnosno dadeni Stoki ili Uslugi na Platformata.
3.22. Otgovor – pismena informatsiya, koyato e predadena na Klienta, koĭto e zadal vŭpros v Platformata, na stranitsata na opredelena Stoka. Otgovorŭt predstavlyava obyasnenie, predostaveno ot edin Klient na drug Klient v ramkite na edin dialog.
3.23. „Namalena tsena“ predstavlyava referentna tsena, sŭotvetno naĭ-niskata tsena, obyavyavana ot Prodavacha za poslednite 30 dni predi datata na prilagane na namalenata tsena na Stokite.
3.24. „Prodazhna tsena“ predstavyava stoĭnostta na Stokite, obavena i iskana ot Prodavacha, yasno indikirana sŭotvetno za Prodavacha / Klienta / Polzvatelya. Prodavachŭt mozhe da posochi otchetlivo, po yasen nachin stoĭnostta na sumata v razlikata mezhdu Prodazhnata tsena i PDTS i/ili stoĭnostta v protsenti mezhdu Prodazhnata tsena i Namalenata tsena.
Daha az göster 2.600 / 5.000 Çeviri sonuçları • all information that is available through an Internet connection and the use of a device that has an Internet connection; • the content of any communication from Customer to Omake and / or Seller sent by electronic means and / or any other available means of communication;3.15. Commercial messages - any type of message sent through electronic communication channels (such as e-mail, SMS, mobile push / web push, etc.) containing general and thematic information, information on similar or suitable products to be purchased, information on offers or promotions, information about the Goods and Services added in the "Account / My Cart" section or in the "Account / Favorites" section, as well as other commercial communications such as market and consumer research
3.17. Specifications - all characteristics and / or descriptions of the Goods and Services as specified in their description.
3.18. Review - a written evaluation by the owner or user of a product or service based on the personal experience and skills of the evaluator to make quality comments and express an opinion on whether or not the product or service meets the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.
3.19. Rating - a method of calculating the level of satisfaction of a Customer in relation to a particular product. The rating is expressed in the form of stars, and each product can receive a rating of one to five stars. This degree of satisfaction will always be accompanied by a review written by the Customer of a product or service.
3.20. Comment - an assessment or critical remark at the end of a Review or other comment.
3.21. Question - a form of appeal from a Client to other Clients in order to obtain information about certain Goods or Services on the Platform.
3.22. Answer - written information that is transmitted to the Customer who has asked a question in the Platform, on the page of a particular Product. The response is an explanation provided by one Client to another Client within a dialogue.
3.23. "Reduced Price" means the reference price, respectively the lowest price announced by the Seller for the last 30 days before the date of application of the reduced price of the Goods.
3.24. "Sale Price" represents the value of the Goods, added and requested by the Seller, clearly indicated for the Seller / Customer / User, respectively. The Seller may clearly indicate in a clear manner the value of the amount in the difference between the Sale Price and the VAT and / or the value as a percentage between the Sale Price and the Reduced Price.
4.1. The OMAKE General Terms and Conditions bind all Clients of the site.4.2. Any use of the site means that you have (a) carefully read the general terms of use and (b) have agreed to abide by them unconditionally.
4.3. Omake reserves the right to update and amend the General Terms of the Site from time to time to reflect any changes in the way the Site operates and the terms or any changes in legal requirements. The document may be opposed to the Clients from the moment it is published on the Site. In case of such a change, we will publish on the Site the amended version of the Document, therefore we ask you to periodically check the content of this Document. The general terms and conditions that were in force at the time of concluding the distance contract between the Client and the Seller shall be applied to each transaction through the Site.
4.4. If any of the provisions of these general terms of use of the Site prove to be invalid or inapplicable, regardless of the reason, this does not entail the invalidity or inapplicability of the other provisions.
5.1. The Customer declares his desire to order and purchase Goods and / or Services through the Site by placing an Order electronically or by telephone and which is registered by himself or by an Omake employee on his behalf.5.2. Omake will send a notification to the Client for registration of the Order in his system, which does not make sense to accept, confirm or undertake to fulfill it. This notification Omake makes electronically (email) or by phone.
5.3. Therefore, the Seller has the right not to deliver part or all of the Goods or not to perform part or all of the Services of the Order for various objective reasons, including but not limited to depletion of their stock. In all cases, Omake notifies the Customer by email or telephone. In this situation, the sole responsibility of the Seller is to return any pre-received price of the Goods or Services.
5.4. The distance sales contract between the Seller and the Customer is considered concluded at the time of receipt by the Customer by e-mail and / or SMS, sent to his phone to notify that the Goods from the Order are ready for shipment or the Service can be provided. Such a message contains a notification that the customer will be additionally notified by a courier of the exact date of delivery. Omake is not a party to a distance purchase agreement entered into through the Site for Goods / Services offered by Marketplace Sellers.
5.5. The contract of sale concluded between the Client and the Seller consists of these general terms and conditions and any additional agreements between the Seller and the Client. The Warranty Certificate for each Product will either accompany it or be credited to the Account of the respective Customer, and it will be issued by the Seller or its supplier.
Çeviri türleri Metin çevirisi Kaynak metin 6.1. Dostŭpŭt do Saĭta s tsel registratsiya na Porŭchka e pozvolen na vseki Klient.6.2. OMAKE si zapzva pravoto po svoe usmotrenie da ogranichi dostŭpa na Klient do realizirane na Porŭchka i/ili do nyakoĭ ot vŭzmozhnite platezhni metodi, ako Klientŭt zloupotrebyava s pravata si po kakŭvto i da e nachin i tova e v ushtŭrb na OMAKE ili treto litse. Pri tova polozhenie pravo na Klienta e da se obŭrne kŭm otdel „Vrŭzki s klienti“ na OMAKE, za da bŭde informiran otnosno prichinite, koito sa doveli do prilaganeto na posochenite po-gore merki. V tezi sluchai OMAKE ne nosi otgovornost za eventualnite vredi, koito Klientŭt e pretŭrpyal ili mozhe da pretŭrpi v sledstvie na tova deĭstvie.
6.3. Klientŭt ima pravo da publikuva mneniya otnosno Stoki i/ili Uslugi, kakto i da se svŭrzva s OMAKE na posochenite adresi v razdel „kontakti” na Saĭta. Mneniya ili sŭobshteniya, koito sŭdŭrzhat netsenzurni dumi ili nepodkhodyasht rechnik shte bŭdat premakhnati ot Saĭta ili ignorirani.
6.4. Komunikatsiyata s Prodavacha mozhe da se osŭshtestvi chrez direktna s nego vrŭzka ili na posochenite na Saĭta adresi v razdel „Kontakt”.
6.5. V sluchaĭ na neobichaĭno golyam trafik v internet mrezhata, OMAKE si zapzva pravoto da iziskva ot Klientite da vŭvezhdat rŭchno validirashtite kodove tip captcha, s tsel zashtita na publikuvanata informatsiya v Saĭta.
6.6. OMAKE mozhe da publikuva reklamna ili promotsionalna informatsiya za Stokite i/ili Uslugite i/ili za predlaganite ot nego ili ot drugi tŭrgovtsi promotsii na Saĭta, za opredelen period ot vreme.
6.7. Vsichki tseni na Stokite i/ili Uslugite na Platformata sa kraĭni, obyaveni sa v leva (BGN) s vklyucheno DDS i vsichki drugi iziskvani po zakon danŭtsi ili taksi.
6.8. V predvidenite ot zakona sluchai, tsenata na Stokite, vid elektronika, obyaveni na Saĭta vklyuchvat zelena taksa. V sluchaĭ, che Klientŭt/Kupuvachŭt poiska detaĭli otnosno tochnata stoĭnost na dobavenata suma kŭm tsenata na Stokata, toĭ tryabva da se svŭrzhe s otdel „Vrŭzka s klienti“ na OMAKE.
6.11. Vsichki izobrazheniya, pomesteni na Saĭta imat edinstveno tsel da sŭzdadat izvestna predstava za tipa na predlaganata Stoka/Usluga, a ne da ya predstavyat tochno. Sŭotvetno, vŭzmozhno e nyakoi ot izobrazheniyata na Stokite v saĭta (statichni/dinamichni izobrazheniya/ multimediĭni prezentatsii/ t.n.) da ne otgovaryat na vŭnshniya vid na sŭotvetnata Stoka ili da sŭzdavat greshno vpechatlenie za predlaganata Usluga. Prodavachŭt nyama da nosi otgovornost za takiva nesŭotvet·stviya.
6.12. Sled 14 (chetirinadeset) dni ot momenta na kupuvaneto na edna Stoka ili Usluga, Kupuvachŭt shte bŭde pomolen da napravi retsenziya otnosno kupenata Stoka ili Usluga. Tazi molba shte bŭde izpratena na elektronnata poshta, chrez koyato e registriran na Akaunta mu. Chrez davaneto na retsenziya, Klientŭt doprinasya za po-dobrata informiranost na drugi vŭzmozhni Klienti i se vklyuchva aktivno v razvivaneto na novi uslugi i v po-podrobnoto opisanie na kharakteristikite na Produktite.
7.1. Prodavachŭt ima pravo da izpolzva podizpŭlniteli za izpŭlnenieto na zadŭlzheniyata si po dogovora za pokupko-prodzhba ot razstoyanie, sklyuchen chrez Platformata bez da e neobkhodimo da uvedomi ili poluchi sŭglasieto na Klienta za tova. Sŭotvetniyat Prodavach shte nosi otgovornost za deĭstviyata na tezi podizpŭlniteli kato za svoi.8.PRAVOTO NA INTELEKTUALNA I INDUSTRIALNA SOBSTVENOST
Daha az göster 3.324 / 5.000 Çeviri sonuçları 6.1. Access to the Site for the purpose of registering an Order is allowed to each Client.6.2. OMAKE reserves the right in its sole discretion to restrict Client's access to the execution of the Order and / or to any of the possible payment methods if the Client abuses his rights in any way and this is to the detriment of OMAKE or a third party. In this situation, the Client has the right to contact OMAKE's Customer Relations Department to be informed of the reasons that led to the application of the above measures. In these cases OMAKE is not responsible for any damages that the Customer has suffered or may suffer as a result of this action.
6.3. The Client has the right to publish opinions about Goods and / or Services, as well as to contact OMAKE at the addresses indicated in the "contacts" section of the Site. Posts or messages that contain obscene language or inappropriate vocabulary will be removed from the Site or ignored.
6.4. Communication with the Seller can be done through direct contact with him or at the addresses listed on the Site in the "Contact" section.
6.5. In case of unusually high traffic on the Internet, OMAKE reserves the right to require Customers to manually enter the validation codes type captcha, in order to protect the information published on the Site.
6.6. OMAKE may publish advertising or promotional information about the Goods and / or Services and / or about the promotions offered by it or other merchants on the Site, for a certain period of time.
6.7. All prices of the Goods and / or Services of the Platform are final, announced in BGN (BGN) including VAT and all other taxes or fees required by law.
6.8. In the cases provided by law, the price of the Goods, type of electronics announced on the Site include a green fee. In the event that the Customer / Buyer requests details of the exact value of the amount added to the price of the Goods, he must contact OMAKE's Customer Relations Department.
6.11. All images posted on the Site are for the sole purpose of providing some idea of the type of Product / Service offered, not to accurately represent it. Accordingly, it is possible that some of the images of the Goods on the site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations, etc.) may not correspond to the appearance of the respective Goods or create a false impression of the Service offered. The seller will not be liable for such discrepancies.
6.12. After 14 (fourteen) days from the date of purchase of a Product or Service, the Buyer will be asked to make a review of the purchased Product or Service. This request will be sent to the e-mail through which it is registered on his Account. By giving a review, the Client contributes to the better information of other potential Clients and is actively involved in the development of new services and in the more detailed description of the characteristics of the Products.
7.1. The Seller has the right to use subcontractors to fulfill its obligations under the distance sales contract concluded through the Platform without the need to notify or obtain the consent of the Client. The respective Seller will be responsible for the actions of these subcontractors as if they were their own.8. THE LAW OF INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY
8.1. Content as defined in the Definitions chapter, including but not limited to logos, any graphics or inscriptions, trade symbols, dynamic symbols, texts and / or multimedia content on the Site, is the exclusive property of Omake.8.2. Omake owns and retains all intellectual property rights in any way associated with the Site, whether its own or obtained through contractual licenses or in any other lawful manner.
8.3. Nothing in the distance agreement between Omake and Customer shall be construed as permitting Omake to copy, distribute, publish, make available to third parties, modify in any way any part of the Content, including but not limited to not only the content of trademarks, logos, multimedia content of the site or descriptions of Products or Services, including by introducing any external content to the site, the removal of signs indicating Omake's ownership of the Content. Customer may not transfer, sell, distribute materials created by reproducing (copying), modifying or publishing the Content, except with the express consent of Omake.
8.4. The Client may copy, transfer and / or use the Content only for personal non-commercial purposes and only in cases where this does not contradict the provisions of this chapter of this Document.
8.5. Customer may use the Content for commercial purposes only if it has received Omake's written consent to this and only for part of the Content, in the manner and extent of its use, and within the time limits for which such consent is given. expressly. Any subsequent or different use of the Content will be considered a breach of this agreement between Omake and Customer and a breach of the intellectual property rights of Omake, which has the right to hold Customer liable.
8.6. Simply sending to the Client or referring to the Content or parts thereof by Omake will not be deemed consent by Omake to allow the Client to use the Content or parts thereof for its own purposes other than personal needs, regardless of the means. for communication used by Omake.
8.7. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted in these Terms and Conditions or in any other express written consent given by Omake is prohibited.
9.1. The Customer may place Orders on the Site by adding the desired Goods and / or Services to My Shopping Cart, following the steps specified in the Platform to complete and submit the relevant Order.9.2. Any Goods and / or Services added to My Cart can be purchased, if available. Adding a Product and / or Service to My Cart without the Order being completed does not result in the registration of the order and the automatic saving of the Product / Service.
9.3. By confirming the Order, Omake confirms the delivery of only one of the respective Goods in the registered order. The remaining pieces of the goods model in question will be further confirmed or rejected depending on the available quantities. The registration of the Order is not equivalent to its confirmation.
9.4. Customer undertakes and is responsible for ensuring that all information provided to Omake in connection with the Order is true, complete and accurate as of the date of dispatch of the order.
9.5. By sending the order, the Customer allows Omake and / or Marketplace Seller to contact him in any way possible when required in connection with the order or contract.
9.6. The Seller has the right to refuse to fulfill (cancel) the Order made by the Client, for which it should notify the Client. Cancellation of the order does not entail any responsibility or subsequent obligation of one of the parties to the other in connection with it and accordingly neither of them has the right to seek compensation from the other for its cancellation in the following cases: • • non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Client of the transaction for online payment;
• carrying out the money transaction, which does not lead to the receipt of funds on the Seller's account for online payments • • the data provided by the Client in the Platform are incomplete and / or incorrect.
9.7. The Client exercises his right to withdraw from the contract concluded at a distance within the period provided by the respective Seller, which may not be shorter than the statutory. This period starts from the date of concluding the Service Agreement and from the date of receipt of the purchased Goods by the Customer or a third party. The Client may contact in connection with his withdrawal from the contract concluded at a distance with the phones listed on the Site
9.8. The Seller undertakes to reimburse the paid price of the Contract concluded at a distance from which the Buyer has withdrawn within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which he received proof from the Customer that the latter has returned the goods. The amount will be refunded as follows without incurring any additional costs for the Buyer using the same means of payment used by the Buyer in the initial transaction, unless the Buyer has expressly agreed to use another means of payment.
9.9. The Seller has the right to delay the refund in cases of withdrawal from the Contract until the receipt of the sold Goods or until receipt of proof that they were sent, if he did not offer to take the Goods himself, whichever occurs first. early.
10.1. The Client has no right to withdraw from the Agreement in the following cases:• in the provision of services in which the service is fully provided and its implementation has begun with the explicit prior consent of the Client and confirmation by him that he knows that he will lose his right of withdrawal after the contract is fully performed by The seller; • in case of delivery of goods or services, the price of which depends on the fluctuations of the financial market, which cannot be controlled by the Seller and which may occur during the term for exercising the right of withdrawal; • • upon delivery of goods made to order of the Client or according to his individual requirements; • when delivering goods that due to their nature may deteriorate or have a short shelf life; • in case of delivery of sealed goods, which are unsealed after their delivery and cannot be returned due to reasons related to hygiene or health protection; • in the case of delivery of goods which, after being delivered and due to their nature, have mixed with other goods from which they cannot be separated; • when delivering sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software that are printed after delivery; • when providing digital content that is not delivered on physical media, when the execution has started with the explicit consent of the Client, who has confirmed that he knows that in this way he will lose his right of withdrawal.
11.1. Customer agrees that by providing any personal or other information to Omake, Customer agrees that it may be used by Omake for the following purposes by Omake: (1) maintaining Customer's account, including order registration , sending ordered products, performing the ordered services, invoicing, resolving disputes with Clients regarding their Orders or reviewing their requests; (2) sending Commercial communications, periodic notifications by e-mail or SMS; (3) conducting market research, tracking and monitoring sales and customer / consumer behavior.11.2. Customer agrees to provide Omake with unlimited access to any materials and information it sends to Seller.
11.3. By providing your data to Omake (including email address), Customer expressly agrees to contact Omake or third parties who are couriers, merchants, Omake partners and providers of marketing services, government, municipal or non-governmental agencies, or companies in the field of insurance or financial services, where required by specific legislation, as well as other companies with which Omake may develop joint programs for offering the Goods and / or Services on the market, etc.
12.1. At the moment when the Client creates an account on the site, he has the opportunity to express his consent to receive Targovski messages.12.2. The Client may withdraw his consent given to the Seller to receive Commercial Messages, which he may refuse at any time by changing the settings in his Account in "My Subscriptions" or by contacting the Seller.
12.3. Refusal to receive Commercial Communications does not automatically constitute a waiver of consent to enter into this Agreement.
12.4. After adding Goods or Services in the following section of the Account:
12.4.1. "My cart", the Seller will notify the Buyer / User about:
• Change the price of the Goods or Services in the section "My cart"
• Recommendations for Goods similar to those added in the section "My cart"
• Availability of Goods in the section "My Cart"
12.4.2. "Favorites", the Seller will notify the Buyer / User about:
• Change the price of the Goods or Services added in the "Favorites" section
• recommendations for Goods or Services similar to those added in the "Favorites" section
• Availability of Goods
12.4. After purchasing a Product or Service, Omake will send Customer commercial communications regarding:
• Offers for Goods or Services recommended to be used together with the purchased Goods or Service The Client may unsubscribe at any time from the receipt of Commercial Communications in accordance with Art. 12.2 above by clicking on the unsubscribe link posted in commercial communications received from Omake or by contacting Omake for this purpose. In addition, we may use your data for market and consumer research. We do not use data collected in the context of market and consumer research for advertising purposes. Detailed information (especially on the evaluation of your publications) can be found in the context of the relevant study or at the place where you make your publications. Your responses to consumer surveys are not sent to third parties or published. You can object to the use of your market research data at any time free of charge by clicking the unsubscribe link posted in each message or by contacting Omake.
13.1. The prices of the Goods and Services announced on the site are final and include VAT, as well as all other taxes and fees provided for in the current Bulgarian legislation.13.2. The price, the method of payment and the term for payment when issuing invoices are specified in each Order. Orders for products offered by Omake worth more than BGN 5,000 will not be able to be paid upon delivery, but should be paid in advance by bank transfer or bank card.
13.3. The client is obliged to provide all the necessary information for the issuance of the invoice in accordance with current Bulgarian legislation.
13.4. The Seller will issue to the Client an invoice for the ordered and delivered Goods / provided Services based on the information provided by the Client.
13.5. In order to properly compile the invoice for the respective Order, the Customer / User is obliged to constantly update the data in his account. He is obliged to review the information specified in the relevant Order to ensure that it is complete, correct and accurate.
13.6. In case more than one address is saved in the Client's account, the delivery will be sent to the one indicated as the main one.
14.1. The Seller undertakes to deliver the ordered and purchased Goods alone or through a courier company to an address specified by the Buyer, to which address should be easily accessible by truck, or in the office of the courier company, depending on the Customer's choice. In the case of door-to-door delivery, the Buyer must indicate the floor to which the products should be delivered in the address field in the electronic form of emag.bg, designated for this purpose. Otherwise, the delivery will be made to the building indicated as the delivery address, if there is access to the building by truck.15. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP
15.1. The ownership of the Goods will be transferred by the Seller with their transfer to the Buyer, after the payment is made by him. The delivery of the Goods will be certified by the signature of the Buyer on the transport document provided by the courier.16. RESPONSIBILITY
16.1 The Seller shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the Customer, resulting from force majeure or those beyond the control of the Seller.17. FORCE MAJOR CIRCUMSTANCES
17.1. Neither party will be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations if such non-performance is due to force majeure. Force majeure is an unforeseeable event, beyond the control of the parties, which cannot be avoided.17.2. If within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the event, it does not stop, each party has the right to notify the other party that it terminates the Agreement without owing the other compensation for any damages.